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A blog is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse chronological order. The term blog is a shortened form of weblog or web log. Authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called “blogging”. Individual articles on a blog are called “blog posts,” “posts” or “entries”. A person who posts these entries is called a “blogger”. A blog comprises text, hypertext, images, and links (to other web pages and to video, audio and other files). There are numerous kinds of blogs; some political, some content based, and some blogs discuss personal experiences.
Cissy Lujan-Pincomb:
Cecilia is the RETA Webinar Coordinator and has been an educator for the last 28 years. Cecilia brings a wealth of experience in education having taught elementary, elementary multi-age, special education, secondary education, community college, and at the university level. She has also been in administration as an elementary principal and most recently as the Program Director for the Creative Media Institute at NMSU. At the secondary level, Cecilia founded and taught at Sierra Middle School Media Magnet Program, KSTAR Productions-TV and Radio, in the Las Cruces Public Schools. She also founded the Organ Mountain Film Festival and the Rio Grande Filmmakers Association. Cecilia has worked with the RETA program since its inception and has been involved in professional development-training the trainers how to integrate technology into the curriculum and has always been an innovator in technology in education. Cecilia has a B.S. in Elementary Education/Special Education, M.A. in Special Education, M.A. in Educational Administration, with licenses in: Spec. Ed K-12, Elementary K-8, Early Childhood K-3, Instructional Leader K-12, Administration K-12,
and Technology K-12.
Cynthia S. Medina:
Cynthia's current educational path resides in her graduate studies of Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Reading/Literacy. Cynthia is a licensed educator receiving her BS in Secondary Education with an emphasis in English/Language Arts. She has her TESOL Endorsement and wants to teach struggling readers; especially those whose primary language is not English.
Cynthia's immediate goals are to continue working as part of the RETA Webinar Team and enhancing her knowledge of the eLearning environment particularly the different ways of incorporating technology into the 7-12+ curriculum. Cynthia has an extensive professional background in the areas of Hotel Management, Retail Management, and Real Estate. Cynthia hopes to enrich the lives of her students by providing real-life work experience along with her passion for the written word.
Along with her passion for literature and teaching, Cynthia loves to cook for her grown children, family, and friends. Sundays at her house are truly a delectable experience! For more information or to contact Cynthia find her on Skype at cinful321.
Miley Grandjean:
Miley loves playing with new technology, especially those that relate to social/professional networking an those that help teachers and students communicate better in today’s 21st century technologically rich society. As a recent graduate, with an MA in Rhetoric & Professional Communications, she is working fulltime for both RETA and the Division of Student Success at NMSU. Along with her involvement in higher education, Miley enjoys being an instructor for the various TRIO programs (Upward Bound and Educational Talent Search), where she has managed to create a curriculum rich in: reading, writing, technology, and general college skills for her 9-12th graders.
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