NMTIE NMSTE Conference 2014
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last edited
by Jed Duggan 10 years, 2 months ago
NMTIE, NMSTE, Learning Forward, NMASCD and NMANS
Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town
Wednesday, November 19-Friday, November 21, 2014
Wednesday 11/19/14
App Up your iPad or Android Tablet
Michelle Lebsock
Sandy Johnson
12:30pm – 4:00pm $200 (includes NMTIE attendee registration) Are you looking to do more with your iPad or Android tablet? Are you overwhelmed by the number of apps that are available? In this hands-on workshop, participants will explore different ways that they can use apps to integrate their iPad or Android tablet into teaching, learning and work. The workshop will cover select apps for productivity, presentation, content creation, collaboration, and resource curation.
Thursday 11/20/14 |
The Role of Open Textbooks in Controlling Costs
Michelle Lebsock
Jed Duggan
The cost of college-level textbooks has increased exponentially over the last 30 years. This, combined with a constant increase in tuition and fees, and a reduction in the amount of available financial aid is pricing students out of the postsecondary education market. Even when students are able to afford the tuition and fees, they opt not to purchase one or more of the required textbooks due to cost, or change their schedule to take classes with lower textbook costs. This session will focus on the role of open (free) textbooks in reducing the financial burden placed on college students. Presenters will review valuable survey data and offer solutions like Open Stax College and Community College Consortium that allow faculty to help control the cost of higher education.
Digital Badges-Higher Education
Jed Duggan
Attend this session and learn about the up and coming “hot topic” of digital badges. This session will explore what digital badges are; what purposes they can serve; the importance of creating a digital badge taxonomy, and more. We’ll also demonstrate how they are and can be used, especially in learning. Explore different open badging systems and see how easy it is to create free badges. Leave with resources to get started with digital badging. This promises to be a fun and interesting session. Plus, earn a digital badge, maybe your first, for attending!
Friday 11/21/14
iPad Apps to Spice-Up Your Course
Kerry Forsythe
Sandy Johnson
Does your course need some new spice? In this session, participants will explore iPad apps that can quickly and easily enhance their course materials. We will look at apps related to content creation, instructor-student interaction, online community, productivity, and resource curation. Bring your iPad to get a little spicy.
Fireplace |
QR Codes
Kerry Forsythe
Sandy Johnson
Integrating QR Codes in the classroom is one way to get your students interested and engaged in any subject. Join us to learn different ways to teach using QR Codes. QR codes are free, as well as easy to make, scan, and decode. Bring a mobile device (iPad/iPhone, Droid or Windows tablet) with any QR Code application installed and come prepared for an interactive experience.
Fireplace |
Saturday 11/22/14 |
Curating Content for the 21st Century
Susie Bussmann
Sandy Johnson
The ever increasing tsunami of digital resources require educators and students be skilled curators of all types of content. Useful tools like Learn.ist, Diigo, Scoop.It, and Twitter combined with skills such as social bookmarking, following, tagging, and sharing, empower users to filter, organize, manage, and curate content.They’re all part of the ever evolving dimensions of 21st Century information fluency. Educators need to be able to research, evaluate, curate, and share resources both to support their students in meeting ISTE Standards for Students 3.Research and information fluency (Students apply digital to digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.) and to further their own professional development.
Digital Badging for K12
Susan Bussmann
Sandy Johnson
Attend this session and learn about the up and coming “hot topic” of digital badges. This session will explore what digital badges are; what purposes they can serve; the importance of creating a digital badge taxonomy, and more. We’ll also demonstrate how they are and can be used, especially in learning. Explore different open badging systems and see how easy it is to create free badges. Leave with resources to get started with digital badging. This promises to be a fun and interesting session. Plus, earn a digital badge, maybe your first, for attending!
Open Education Resources (OER)
Sandy Johnson
Susan Bussmann
This presentation will share open educational resources for instructors that can be used in online teaching and learning. Open Educational Resources are freely accessible, openly licensed documents and media that are useful for teaching, learning, assessment, and research purposes.
Chapel |
NMTIE NMSTE Conference 2014
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